Patient Resources

Kidney Health

COVID-19 and Kidney Damage

The patients who have severe COVID-19 symptoms have found to develop acute kidney injury(AKI), research has linked the two that is COVID-19 and kidney health.

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Urinary Incontinence

Stress Urinary Incontinence

The bladder in your urinary system holds the urine until you are ready to release it, this works fine when the bladder works well without

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Bladder Health

Preventing Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is more common in older people and especially in men. Bladder cancer is when the cells of the bladder start growing abnormally forming

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Bladder Health

General Bladder Health

Let us learn all about our bladder and how to keep our bladder healthy. Before we go on to learn about how to care for

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Urinary Incontinence

FAQ about Urinary Tract Infection

Frequently Asked Questions about Urinary Tract Infection, and it is answered by Dr Lisa Hawes of Chesapeake Urology Associates. What is a urinary tract infection,

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Kidney Health


What is Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is a non-surgical procedure to treat stones formed in the kidney . This technique involves

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Kideny Stone

Surgery for Kidney Stones

There are certain cases of kidney stones that would need surgery, although most stones pass on their own. The stones that are lodged in the

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Kidney Stone

Diagnosing Kidney Stones

In today’s lifestyle, developing kidney stones is quite common, and without treatment or preventive measures, recurrence is highly likely within 5 to 10 years. You

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Kidney Stone

Preventing Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are formed when certain substances in urine such as calcium, and oxalate become highly concentrated, and also in people who have a family

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Kideny Stone

Kidney Stone Treatment Cost in India

Kidneys are instrumental organs responsible for waste management and elimination of toxins from the body. The smooth functioning of kidneys is extremely instrumental for good

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Kidney Health

Protein in Urine (Proteinuria)

People with proteinuria have unusually high amounts of protein in their urine. The condition is often a sign of kidney disease. Kidneys are filters that

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Kidney Stone

Kidney Stone Diet Plan

The most common types of kidney stones are calcium stones followed by uric acid stones. Dietary changes and medical treatment are individualized based on the

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Prostate Health Book
Prostate Health

Prostate Health Book Glossary

#  Pathologist –  A doctor who identifies the diseases by studying cells and tissues under a microscope, does the diagnosis along with tests before advising

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